YOGA Articles
Shavasana Relax and gain more strength
A.D Pradeep Kumar |
19 April 2024 |
A calm and peaceful state of body and mind are things all of us cherish but sadly fail to find in this machine age. Hatha Yoga offers excellent tools for providing rest to body and mind. The ancient yogis, who are known for their self-mastery over the voluntary and involuntary system, were fully alive to the advantages of relaxation. … CONTINUE READING
Sarvangasana Exercise your brain and keep it healthy
A.D Pradeep Kumar |
19 April 2024 |
ACCORDING to Yogic philosophy, the brain is one of the most important organs in the human body, and should receive special attention. This is required not only for good health, but also for mental well-being. … CONTINUE READING
Makarasana A lesson in detachment, utter peace
A.D Pradeep Kumar |
19 April 2024 |
Todays lifestyles presuppose tension and stress. Relaxation is thus the key to survival today. Relaxing successfully also holds the key to a healthy body and a healthy mind. When your muscles are in a state of tension, it affects your internal organs. Your thought processes become fuzzy; even your sight can become blurred. You are unable to carry out daily activities successfully. … CONTINUE READING
Dhanuvakrasana Arch your spine backwards like a bow
A.D Pradeep Kumar |
19 April 2024 |
In the daily course of asana practice, it is better to follow a pattern. Start with the standing postures, then the sitting postures and end with the lying down postures. Among the lying down asanas, do those postures that involve your lying supine first. Good examples of these are the Yastikasana and the Pavanamuktsana, both of which have been mentioned earlier in the series. … CONTINUE READING
Pavanamuktasana keeps the colon free of bacteria
A.D Pradeep Kumar |
19 April 2024 |
Yastikasana The ultimate stretch asana
A.D Pradeep Kumar |
19 April 2024 |
Yoga regards good health as the primary requisite for spiritual well0being. However, this is dependent upon many factors like the well-balanced structure and coordinated normal activities of the various organs of the body. … CONTINUE READING
The road to ultimate self realization
A.D Pradeep Kumar |
03 March 2024 |
ANCIENT India contributed to many branches of knowledge. Among these, the highest was the understanding of the Self. In his Yogasutras, Patanjali provides eight steps through which you can realize this highest knowledge. … CONTINUE READING
Ardha Matsyendrasana Lateral twists to help make your spine more pliant
A.D Pradeep Kumar |
03 March 2024 |
The Ardha Matsyendrasana or the partial Matsyendra pose completes the requisite quota of exercises for the spine by incorporating lateral twists of the spinal column. … CONTINUE READING
Paschimottanasana A full flexing of the spine
A.D Pradeep Kumar |
03 March 2024 |
“PASCHIMOTTANASANA is the best among the asanas. When you perform this asana, the pranic currents rise through Sushumna, the digestive fire increases the abdomen becomes flat and the practitioner becomes free from diseases”. … CONTINUE READING
The Yoga Mudra or the pose of humility is good for both the inner man and the outer man
A.D Pradeep Kumar |
03 March 2024 |
ASANAS are well known tools for strength and indirectly aid in the eradication of diseases. Some of the spinal exercises that Yoga prescribes are said to make certain changes in your consciousness itself. Each posture is designed to enrich one virtue central lot he purification of your life. Let us take for example, the Yoga Mudra or the Symbol of Yoga, which is a posture of humility. … CONTINUE READING
Breathing techniques essential while performing asanas
A.D Pradeep Kumar |
03 March 2024 |
Yoga postulates that a body that is not healthy is not conducive either to relaxation or control of the mind and is therefore unsuited to the practice of Yoga. Accordingly, one of the methods by which Yoga seeks to ensure good health is through the regular practice of asanas, which are not mere physical exercises, but the product of the observations, experiences and intuitive perceptions of the ancient Rishis of India. … CONTINUE READING
Badhrasana Vakrasana Sit through on your way to health
A.D Pradeep Kumar |
03 March 2024 |
Gorakshanatha, the great Siddha Yogi who lived nearly a thousand years ago revived and revitalised many classic yoga asanas. One of them, called Bhadrasana or throne pose, is of interest to the yoga student for the benefits and for the scholar for the interesting anecdotes associated with this asana. … CONTINUE READING
A.D Pradeep Kumar |
29 February 2024 |
Practise yoga, lead a fuller life
A.D Pradeep Kumar |
18 February 2024 |
Yoga takes care of physical, mental, moral as well as spiritual health. Total health comprises physical, mental, moral and spiritual health. This state of complete health equips one to take on life's challenges with equanimity. There is no other system except yoga which takes care of all these aspects. … CONTINUE READING
Develop a healthy spine with Konasana
A.D Pradeep Kumar |
18 February 2024 |
The vertebral column occupies great importance in Hatha Yoga texts. In the Siva Samhita the spine is referred as the Mount Meru round which all the beings in the three words revolve. The Siva Samhita also explains that only a yogi has this knowledge. … CONTINUE READING
Talasana best for asthmatics
A.D Pradeep Kumar |
18 February 2024 |
Children are familiar with the popular TV hero, Shaktiman's advice to “Sit tallest, stand tallest, walk tallest”. Walking erect permits free and natural `accommodation of the internal organs, enhances personality and confidence. … CONTINUE READING
Sukhasan Simplest and best
A.D Pradeep Kumar |
18 February 2024 |
Before starting yogic asanas you should first condition yourself. Conditioning is an important ingredient in you. It is the “withdrawal of oneself from the outside world and the achievement of emotional calm”. You should be mentally, physically and emotionally cut off from other activities. Only then will you derive the full benefit of yoga. … CONTINUE READING
Making a beginning in Yoga
A.D Pradeep Kumar |
18 February 2024 |
Yoga is more than mere postures. FES begins this week a fortnightly series on the correct attitudes and postures for yoga. … CONTINUE READING