
Sukhasan Simplest and best edit button Edit

A.D Pradeep Kumar | calendar 18 February 2024 | 155

Before starting yogic asanas you should first condition yourself. Conditioning is an important ingredient in you. It is the “withdrawal of oneself from the outside world and the achievement of emotional calm”. You should be mentally, physically and emotionally cut off from other activities. Only then will you derive the full benefit of yoga.

Start with a meditative a s a n, which will help you gain composure, ease, even breathing and concentration. Patanjali himself has described an asana as a steady and comfortable posture.


One of the simple but most effective postures to begin with is the Sukhasan or easy pose. This pose conforms to all requirements of bodily comfort and steadiness.

Sit on your mat with your legs fully stretched out. Bend one leg and place the heel under the opposite thigh.

Fold the other leg place the heel under the opposite thigh and sit cross-legged making sure your ankles are also crossed.

Keep your body straight, spine, neck and body erect, abdomen well controlled and the head perfectly poised.

Place your hands on your knees, palms downwards, close your eyes and completely relax your body.

Keep your mind blank. If other thoughts creep in, chase them out. Mentally, which your breath going in and out and when you are fully composed, that is the right time to begin your yoga exercises in right earnest.

Benefits of Sukhasan

Daily practice of Sukhasan will help you to establish inner harmony with yourself, inwardness, quietude, awareness, inner elation through poise and composure through the elimination of muscular and nervous agitation. It provides the most favourable setting for the exercises to follow.

The Yoga Institute at Santacruz says an attitude of Dharma or duty is mandatory while doing the Sukhasan. Duty towards maintaining your balance, duty towards understanding yourself the purpose of meaning of the world in which you live. Dharma also includes observing the Yams-and Niyamas, having faith, preparedness and discipline.

Dharma here denotes the acquisition of capacities that help in the furtherance of your higher objectives. Following Dharma would mean that you become aware of your duties in a given situation.

For example, in a work situation, you have to generate the urge to do your best. You should be involved in your work to the fullest extent in order to generate a healthy mental state. You should also try to develop a state of inner peace and tranquillity no matter what problems you may face externally.

Sukhasan can be practised, not only as a conditioning posture when you start yoga, but also whenever you get time during the day. Sukhasan helps you gain objectivity towards problems in life.

You can start your day with Sukhasan. Instead of rushing out of bed as soon as you get up, sit in bed quietly for some time, observe your breath for few minutes. This will prove to be a good way to start the day. Likewise, just before you go to bed, sit in bed quietly for a few minutes and observe your breath, review the events of the day objectively. You will find your sleep patterns improving.

At work, suppose some problem is nagging at your mind, try to keep calm. If it is not feasible to try out a Sukhasan just then, just close your eyes sitting in your chair. Take a few deep breaths and observe your breath for some time. You will see how quickly your mind clams down and interprets the problem in a different way.

Constant practice of Sukhasan unclouds your mind. It helps you open up little by little. It makes your mind more flexible, loosens rigid ideas and creates more space in you to grow. It disciplines your mind and helps it concentrate.

Though the Sukhasan is the simplest of a s a n s, if really understood, it can help you change yourself dramatically.

(This article is based on the principles advocated by The Yoga Institute, Santacruz)